Privacy Policy Visitor and Buyer

Information notice (privacy policy) according to articles 13 and 14 et seq EU Regulation 679/2016 (“GDPR”)


Pursuant to articles 13 and 14 of the Privacy Regulation EU 679/2016 (“GDPR”) we hereby inform you that the personal data provided by you as Visitor (to be understood as a natural person) or Buyer (to be understood as a professional operator) to our company SMART EVENTI S.R.L., tax code and VAT number 06997310963, with registered office at Viale Abruzzi n. 37, – 20131 Milan (MI), represented by its legal representative pro tempore, at the time and for the  purpose of taking part at the GECO virtual trade fair and at the events connected to it such as Round Tables and Smart Talk, collected at the time of registration on the relevant website, will be processed in accordance with the principle of lawfulness, fairness, correctness, proportionality, necessity, exactness, completeness and security and the additional applicable legal obligations.


The processing of the personal data will take place for the following purposes and with the following legal grounds:

i) Compliance with contractual obligations: reference is made to the data acquired during registration on the site that may be processed by the Data Controller for the purpose of allowing the Visitor and/or Buyer to access the site itself, including in areas reserved to it, for activities strictly connected with the performance of the services and activities of the GECO Fair and the compliance with the obligations deriving from virtual participation at the GECO Fair and the events such as Round Tables and Smart Talks connected to it. The contract constitutes the legal basis of the processing. After the termination of the contract, the legal basis will be the compliance with obligations under the law. The processing related to these purposes has as its legal basis our need to fulfil the obligations assumed through registration and the contract entered into at the time of registration and / or the legal obligations connected to it. This data processing does not require your prior consent and you are free not to provide your data, however, in this case, we will not be able to accept the registration and enter into the contract or be able to comply with legal obligations.

ii) Promotional purposes: to carry out promotional activities, by sending newsletters, commercial communications, advertising and offers for the sale of SMART EVENTI S.R.L.’s products / services. The legal basis of the processing is consent, and therefore any refusal to provide the data, in whole or in part, or the failure to authorize their processing and / or their communication to third parties involved in the performance of SMART EVENTI S.R.L’s promotional activity by may result in SMART EVENTI S.R.L.’s inability to carry out promotional activities.

iii) Promotional purposes related to further trade fairs: commercial communications by post, telephone, automated call systems, fax, email, sms, mms, related to further trade fairs,  communication of data to other companies, such as organizers, exhibitors, fitters, qualified operators involved in trade fairs or also operating in other sectors, sponsors and suppliers of Smart Eventi S.r.l for independent processing by them, as data controllers. The legal basis of the processing is consent, therefore any refusal to provide them, in whole or in part, or the failure to authorize their processing and / or their communication to third parties involved in the performance of SMART EVENTI S.R.L’s promotional activity may result in SMART EVENTI S.R.L’s inability to carry out said promotional activities.

iv) Legal purposes:to comply with resulting legal obligations.


The processing of the personal data will take part by data processors and responsible formally appointed who will use instruments and supports – paper based, magnetic, informatic or telematic – suitable so as to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data. The processing may also be carried out using automated instruments to record, manage and transmit the data telematically.


3.1 As a data subject you can send a written communication via email to:  SMART EVENTI S.R.L., with registered office at Viale Abruzzi n. 37, – 20131 Milan (MI), to its legal representative pro tempore:

– asking SMART EVENTI S.R.L., as data controller, to access your personal data, rectify or erase the same, or to restrict the processing or to object to the processing (arts. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21 (EU Reg 679/2016). In particular:

* as far as relates to the rectification of the personal data, taking into account the purposes of the processing, you will have the right to have incomplete personal data completed, including by means of providing a supplementary statement.

* as far as relates to the restriction of processing, you are entitled to obtain this where one of the following applies: a) the accuracy of the personal data is contested by you, for a period enabling SMART EVENTI S.R.L. to verify the accuracy of said personal data; b) the processing is unlawful and you oppose the erasure of the personal data and request the restriction of their use instead; c) SMART EVENTI S.R.L. no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of the processing, but they are required by you for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims;

* as far as relates to the erasure of the personal data without undue delay, you are entitled to obtain this where one of the following applies: a) the personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed; b) you withdraw the consent on which the processing is based and where there is no other legal ground for the processing; c)  the personal data have been unlawfully processed; d) the personal data have to be erased for compliance with a legal obligation in Union or Member State law to which SMART EVENTI S.R.L is subject;

– asking to receive  your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and have the right to transmit those data to another controller without hindrance from SMART EVENTI S.R.L. (so-called ”data portability”  ex art. 20 EU Reg. 679/2016);

– revoking the consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal (ex art. 8, paragraph. 3, EU Reg. 679/2016).

3.2 Your personal data will not be transmitted or transferred to third party countries of international organisations.


The data controller is  SMART EVENTI S.R.L., tax code and VAT number 06997310963, with registered office at Viale Abruzzi n. 37, – 20131 Milan (MI), represented by its legal representative pro tempore, which can be contacted at the following email address :

External data processors are:

– partners which SMART EVENTI S.R.L uses to provide the services to customers (eg. development / maintenance of websites, applications, software, accounting software and for the sending).


Save always the communications made in compliance with legal obligations, your personal data may be communicated to:

– employee and consultants of SMART EVENTI S.r.l.;
– partner which SMART EVENTI S.R.L uses to provide the services to customers i (eg. development / maintenance of websites, applications, software, accounting software and for the sending) and Exhibitors at the Fair.


The (common) personal data that you provide will be retained in a form that allows your identification, as data subject:

– for a period of time not exceeding that necessary for the contractual purposes stated at article 1, letter (i) and for which purpose the same are processed, save always the compliance with legal obligations;

– until the revocation of consent for the promotional purposes stated at article 1, letters (ii) and (iii), and for which purposes the same are processed, save always the compliance with legal obligations.

There is no automated system for the cancellation of personal data at the end of the retention period, given that the cancellation takes place manually, once the legal obligations resulting from the cessation of the contract have been fulfilled.


If you believe that the data processing violates EU Reg.679/2016, you are entitle to present a complaint to the supervisory authority in the Member State in which you habitually reside, work or where the alleged violation took place.